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How AI Conned You Into Believing It Is The Future.

It started with my Grandfathers watch; my mother found it in an old cigar case and she thought, as the oldest grandson, he would want me to have it.

I was very touched and I have a thing for vintage watches, and as I was trying it on I mentioned that I'll have to get a new battery.

I was surprised when she said... 'Oh, no, this was before batteries'... and sure enough, with a little wind up, the watch has kept perfect time ever since.

So this got me thinking... why do watches need batteries?

Learn to think like AI can't and draw creative insight out of any project - take the ENHANCING IDEATION online course, valued at $299, I'm offering it for free until March 10th, 2025.

What's on March 10th?

The launch of my new book WHY SMART PEOPLE AREN'T CREATIVE: Solving the billion dollar gap between ideas and innovation.

Pre-order your copy of WHY SMART PEOPLE AREN'T CREATIVE here...


Christopher. S. Sellers is an International Thought Leader, Author and Speaker

on the billion dollar value of creative skills and intelligence.


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