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What Value Does Art Hold?

This week during a LinkedIn live, I was offered a psychologists definition of creativity...

'The production of something new, that has value'.

Basically three conditions define something as 'creative'.

  1. Production... it must come into the world, not just live in your head.

  2. New... new/original in some way.

  3. Value... ?

Untitled - Circular Quay, Sydney, Australia - [taken by me] circa. 2015
Untitled - Circular Quay, Sydney, Australia - [taken by me] circa. 2015

There is a real issue with definitions like this... not because they exist or that I disagree with them... but that because an 'Academic' said so... so it must be.




For instance, what of Emotional Intelligence (E.Q)... this requires flexibility of thought and of feeling.

Every Artist utilises E.Q to produce songs, films, literature, photographs, dance and theatre that connects, inspires and moves you.

Not creative... or no value?

YOU use E.Q to lie, to cheat, to empathise, to tell jokes, to weave stories of Easter bunnies and Santa Claus, tooth fairies and where pets go when they die.

Not creative... or no value?



What of your ability to ADAPT?

Not creative... or no value?




One of the greatest handicaps all of us have to work against, is the scientific and academic (mis)understanding and (mis)interpretation of "what creativity is".

And the fault is largely ours.

We do not question it.




We accepted that creativity was gifted by the muses... it was not.

That is was for special people... it was not.

That it is right brain vs left brain... it is not.

That it is defined by its ability to add value...

You decide.





Christopher. S. Sellers is an international Thought Leader, Author

and Speaker on the billion dollar value of creative skills and intelligence.

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